Monday, March 9, 2009


I've been having a conversation with God pretty much everyday on the same subject. "God, will you reveal more of yourself to me?" So, in reading the Word, I ask that question - what is God revealing about Himself to me? In the journey through Exodus, I have been writing the same thing:

God is magnificent and worthy of reverence/praise

While that may seem pedestrian in our minds, I have also thought about what Tim Hughes has written about our view of God. Essentially, when we come before Him, why are we not so awed and struck by who He is? Why do we not fall "face down" when we approach His throne?

I have already written about the throne in my own life - that throne is reserved for the person in charge of my life: Me. And as wrong as that sounds, my actions and the way I live life tells people that God is not in the center. And in my mind, I so want Him to be. So for me to approach the "throne", it's actually a hard visual to have because in reality, I'm already sitting on the throne. But the other question remains, "why don't I just fall face down because God is so magnificent and worthy of praise?" The short answer is that I don't view God that way unfortunately. I don't know that I view God as magnificent. But in reading Exodus, that's exactly how God wants us to view Him:

So that you may know that there is no one like me in all the earth [Exodus 9:14]

To show you my power, and make my name resound through all the earth [Exodus 9:16]

The context of these 2 verses is Moses, through Aaron, tries to convince a harden hearted Pharaoh that God wants his people to be let go, so that He may be worshiped. And God gives reasons why He has hardened Pharaoh's heart. It's actually very simple:

  • There is no one like Him in all the earth

  • Show His power

  • Make His name resound through all the earth

Do I really believe that? If I did, wouldn't I fall face down each and every time I approach Him? Wouldn't I just sing out in praise by His presence? It's one thing to know what God's character is and it's another to relate to that. And I've been thinking and praying for ways for God to remind me how in my own life He has shown me His magnificence. How has He shown me that He wants to be revered and praised? In this context of Exodus, I can already think of a couple of times within the last few years when He has shown that. And it helps to know that He is the same as He was when He spoke to Moses. He is constant, never-changing, and it's humbling to know that I am very much blind to His wonder. Of course I want to know all those things and I don't want to have to "know" that through a burning bush. Or a deep, resonant voice from the heavens. I wish/pray/hope that I would know that in the experience I have with God. It's a journey, one that has had its ups and downs. But God has show that He is consistent and constant, and there is comfort in that.