Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Heroes - In or Out?

So this season's Heroes hasn't really thrilled me.  This past week's episode was probably the best one, but there are so many inane moments for this season, I was going to cut it loose.  Note if you haven't seen any of the episodes, there are some spoilers in the following paragraphs.**

  • I keep thinking, how can Sylar, being the bad guy for 2 years all of a sudden become one of the good guys because he found out who his real mother is?
  • Claire and Peter are both starting the annoy the crap out of me.  They're both turning into whiny, angry, spoiled kids.
  • Ali Larter, the actress who plays Nikki from season 1 and 2, is on her THIRD character on the show.  Twins.  I swear my wife is right when she says that a movie/show can't be good as soon as they introduce twins.  And Auh-nuld's movie by the same name doesn't count.  That movie was actually good.
  • Dr. Suresh is just another person who has super powers on a rampage.  What happened to the good natured doctor who tried to help people?
  • Even Hiro and Ando are starting to be a little stale.  How many more episode can we hear Hiro say, "I'm going to save the world!"  Sit down, Hiro.
  • Nathan went from saving the world [and Peter] to getting roped back in by his mother and the Linderman hallucinations.  Goodness.
So far, my comments have been pretty negative.  The show this week WAS pretty good so I am kind of on the fence again.  Did the last show redeem itself?  Should I keep watching it?  Should I cut this show loose?  Or should I stay on for another season?  The DVR is asking...

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