Saturday, October 25, 2008

Rock N Rolla

Rock N Rolla is one of those movies that will first make you say out loud, "What's going on?" to "Wait, I thought he was with them...oh, he wasn't with them, he was with them."  We liked the movie.  It was one of the better movies we've seen recently.  Of course, we had a couple of bad runs: Eagle Eye and Burn After Reading.  

Rock N Rolla has that caper kind of movie feel, but with some really good acting - especially by Tom Wilkinson.  And we thought it was a typical Guy Ritchie movie where the story is so broad in the beginning, you can't seem to find any connects.  Then as the story unfolds, you realize things start to all tie together.  The funniest scene - and I can't give it away - comes as the credits are rolling.  It's a scene between One Two [Gerard Butler] and Handsome Bob [Tom Hardy].  I knew my wife liked it because through most of the movie, she was engaged and had a smile on her face.

So go watch the movie!  It's a good one and I don't think you'll be disappointed.

Rock N Rolla Trailer here.

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