Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Yoga Pain

The wife had a great idea of signing up for yoga a couple of months ago at the local senior center.  At the time, I thought, "It's going to be hard, but yoga is suppose to be good for me.  And how hard can it really be, if it's at the senior center?**"  After 4 sessions, I must admit, I bow down and wave the white flag.  I have never felt so much stretching pain in my life.  To be sure, I was never that flexible to begin with, so this is all new to my body.  I whine and cry every Monday night before we go like a little kid.  It's really pathetic.  It's by the grace of my loving wife that she doesn't physically kick me in the butt and drag me by my ear down to the senior center.

Last night was really tough.  Even the wife said so.  There was a point during the session when I thought my hamstring was going to snap.  And I just had to let go and get out of position to not sustain an injury.  Oh, it was sad.  I now know why there are only 3 men in the class of about 20 people.  We [men] can't handle the truth!  Even those of us who are there can't handle the truth.  The truth is cold, direct, and unforgiving.  I have to say that I cannot do any of the yoga moves as it was intended.  The downward dog is one of the positions that ought to be easy, but I have yet to get in the proper position.  And all the while, the instructor reminds us to breathe.  I want to yell, "I can't breathe because I'm crying!!!!"

We have another 4 weeks to go and my poor wife will have to endure another 4 weeks of whining, crying, and foot stomping.  Pray for her people.  It's too late for me.

** About half the class doesn't qualify to be seniors, but I bet they're not babies like me.

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